Thursday, 12 September 2013

Welcome to Year 3!

Welcome to the Year 3 blog for the 2013/2014 school year. On this blog you will find a number of different posts that you can read and respond to. It is a great way to gives your views about something and to look back at your year in Year 3.

This term we are learning about the Victorians. Can you write something you know about them in the comments section? Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

1 comment:

  1. in the victorian times there was a queen called victoria and if you said anything nasty about her you would
    get your head chopped off. Also they had things like work-houses if you had no home but they said"jail was beter
    than going there. in the work-houses what you had to eat was gruel and a corner of bread. And if you asked for more
    they would sell you.
    Before the houses of parlement were built victoria became queen.
